Find out about the most important developments in the field of certification and standards


Cybersecurity assessment

Cybersecurity is indeed a universal challenge for anyone using technology

The Act on ICT System Security

Law on Information Security

CrowdStrike incident

The largest collapse of information systems ever

ISO standardi Srbija i klimatske promene u Srbiji

ISO and climate change

The key changes in the amendment include modifications to clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of the Annex SL standard

ISO 10002 standard cena Srbija

ISO 10002

What are the reasons for the increased demand for ISO 10002?

HALAL standard cena Srbija ISO standardi INTERCERT

Halal standard

The requirements of the Halal standard originate from the Quran and Sharia law, prescribing what is permitted (halal) and what is forbidden (haram)

Standardi u bezbednosti informacija ISO standardi

Standards in information security

Comparison SOC 2, NIST and ISO 27001

Šta znači ISO i šta je ISO standard? Srbija Intercert ISO standardi

What does ISO mean and what is the ISO standard?

The ISO acronym stands for the International Organization for Standardization

ISO/FSSC 22000 standard Srbija Sistem menadžmenta bezbednosti hrane verzija 6

FSSC new version

The new version, version 6, of the FSSC 22000 standard was released in April 2023

Global Gap standard cena Srbija IFA Smart v6


New version of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA SMART V6 mandatory from January 1, 2024

ISO/TS 22163 IRIS standard cena Srbija Sertifikacija

ISO/TS 22163 – IRIS certification

Quality management according to ISO/TS 22163

IFS FOOD standard Srbija

New version 8

In April 2023, a new version of the IFS food standard version 8 was published

ISO 9606 standard Srbija Atest za zavarivače

ISO 9606 | Certificate for welders

What is a welder certification?

SCC standard Srbija Sertifikacija osoba


Demonstrate your commitment to occupational health and safety

EN 1090 standard cena Srbija Metalne konstrukcije

CE mark for steel and aluminum structures

EN 1090 and CE mark as a condition for entering the market of steel and aluminum constructions

GDPR standard cena Srbija – Opšta uredba o zaštiti podataka


Protection of personal data as an imperative of modern business

Cluod bezbednost ISO standardi Srbija

Cloud (computing) security

ISO 27017 and benefits for providers and users of cloud services

Bezbednost na radu sertifikat cena Srbija sertifikacija standarda

Occupational Safety and Health

Law or standard

Procena ranjivosti u svrhu povećanja nivoa bezbednosti u IT infrastrukturi

Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability assessment for the purpose of increasing the level of security in the IT infrastructure

Poljoprivreda proizvodnja hrane sertifikat sertifikacija Inter cert

Smart agriculture

The impact of smart agriculture on food production

TISAX standard cena auto industrija Srbija sertifikacija Inter Cert


How TISAX affects the automotive industry

Upravljanje otpadom u svrhu zaštite životne sredine Srbija Inter cert

Recycling - hazardous and non-hazardous waste

Waste management for the purpose of environmental protection

Penetration testing Srbija Inter Cert doo Novi Sad

Penetration testing

Energetski pasoš za automobile Inter Cert Novi Sad

Energy passport for cars

The implementation of the rulebook according to which new cars must have an "energy passport" begins on December 24

IT revizija bezbednost informacionih sistema Inter Cert Srbija

IT revision

Risk management in ICT systems and the impact on the entire business

EPD Environmental Product Declaration Inter Cert Srbija

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

Understanding the impact of products on the environment

Globalno zagrevanje, karbonski otisak proizvoda i uticaj na životnu sredinu

Carbon footprint standard

Global warming, product carbon footprint and environmental impact

Nova verzija ISO 27001 standard cena Srbija, noviteti i njegova tranzicija

ISO 27001:2022

The new version of ISO 27001, novelties and its transition

Global GAP borovnica sertifikacija sertifikat cena Inter cert Srbija

Global GAP blueberry

Why is a certified Global GAP blueberry required?

ISO 50001 standard cena smanjenje potrošnje električne energije Srbija Inter Cert

Energy efficiency and the Energy Crisis of 2024

The energy crisis and how ISO 50001 can help reduce consumption through measurement, introduction of more efficient energy use and consumption monitoring

Organska proizvodnja Srbija sertifikacija sertifikat cena INTERCERT

Organic production in Serbia and Global GAP 2024

What is healthier GLobal GAP or organic product?