ISO/FSSC 22000

ISO/FSSC 22000

Food safety management

ISO FSSC 22000 standard cena Srbija Sistem menadžmenta bezbednosti hrane

ISO 22000 is the first international standard for food safety management that defines the requirements for organizations across the entire food production and distribution chain to ensure safe products for the end consumer. It was developed in collaboration with FSSCa (The Foundation for Food Safety Certification) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO 22000 certification integrates the requirements of the HACCP system and ISO 9001, but it also involves predicting and analyzing a wide range of external factors and hazards that can not only jeopardize food safety but also negatively impact the production process, company finances, and employees.

It applies to all participants in the food supply chain, including suppliers of non-food products and services, such as equipment and packaging manufacturers, as well as logistics providers.

Unlike ISO 22000, the FSSC 22000 standard is a certification scheme recognized by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). FSSC 22000 uses ISO 22000 as a requirement for the management system but also includes additional requirements, including prerequisite programs (PRPs) or universal procedures used to control working conditions in food factories and specific FSSC 22000 requirements to ensure consistency, integrity, and management of the food safety system.

The global market and the movement of food products across national borders have created a need for food safety standards, and the FSSC 22000 and ISO 22000 certifications ensure safety in a stable global food supply chain.

ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 help organizations identify hazards to production safety and also impact the safety and control of the products themselves.


Jačanje poverenja u kompanije sa TISAX sertifikatom cena Srbija

By building trust and understanding the key aspects of the certification process, stable and friendly relationships are formed, which serve as a foundation for business advancement.

  • icon Improvement of food safety and product quality
  • icon Strengthening consumer protection and trust
  • icon Secured business opportunities in foreign markets
  • icon Protection from potential risks