ISO 3834

ISO 3834

Welding management system

ISO 3834 standard cena Srbija Sistem menadžmenta zavarivanja

EN ISO 3834 is an international standard intended for organizations that have welding processes in their operations.

The standard contributes to the enhancement of the company’s business processes and the improvement of the quality of the production process through an internationally recognized approach to welding management, which relates to:

  • Management of welding production processes;
  • Requirements related to the quality of the welded product;
  • Quality control of the welded product in workshops or on construction sites, oriented towards product/process infrastructure;
  • Maintenance of equipment and storage of materials;
  • Factory control activities during product manufacturing or assembly on-site.

It was developed to identify all factors that can affect the quality of the welded product and that require control at all stages before, during, and after welding.

The ISO 3834 standard “Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials” consists of six parts:

  • EN ISO 3834-1: “Criteria for the selection of appropriate quality requirements level”
  • EN ISO 3834-2: “Comprehensive quality requirements”
  • EN ISO 3834-3: “Standard quality requirements”
  • EN ISO 3834-4: “Basic quality requirements”
  • EN ISO 3834-5: “Documents required to support a claim of conformity to quality requirements ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3, or ISO 3834-4”
  • EN ISO 3834-6: “Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 3834”

The certification level is determined in relation to customer requirements and the needs of the company. The final choice of the certification level is classified according to severity and includes three categories: EN ISO 3834-2, EN ISO 3834-3, and EN ISO 3834-4, whose implementation will be mutually agreed upon during the contracting of the verification.

After a successful verification, issued certificates have a validity of three years. An annex is issued with the certificate that further describes details about: welding processes, welding coordinator, procedures, and more.

Acquiring a certificate of compliance with the applicable requirements of the EN ISO 3834 standard brings numerous advantages, including:

  • Increased customer satisfaction and the establishment of trust among business partners, stakeholders, and employees in the organization, while confirming the ability to ensure consistent delivery of products or services;
  • An internationally recognized certificate that enhances the brand, reputation, and image of the organization;
  • Clear commitment and focus on continuous improvement of welding quality;
  • Optimization of the entire welding process and reduction of non-conforming products, thus avoiding economic costs.

Our technical staff checks on-site how the EN ISO 3834 requirements are implemented in your company. Some of the key aspects of the EN ISO 3834 verification include:

  • Existence of a quality management system (QM) and procedures related to welding;
  • Whether the welding coordinator possesses knowledge in areas of design, production, assembly, and testing of welded components; most coordinators hold a certificate from the International Welding Engineer (IWE);
  • Welders having a valid certification/test according to ISO 9606, with fully mechanized and automated welding processes;
  • The company possessing qualified welding technologies (WPQR) according to existing WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) documents;
  • Welding equipment being certified and tested, and measuring-control equipment being calibrated/standardized.

Manufacturers compliant with the ISO 3834 standard are often more competitive than others due to the best practices prescribed by the EN ISO 3834 standard. Certification of EN ISO 3834-2, EN ISO 3834-3, or EN ISO 3834-4 brings comparative advantages and trust in the local and global market.

ISO 3834 contributes to the refinement of the company’s business processes and the improvement of the quality of the production process through an internationally recognized approach to welding management.


Jačanje poverenja u kompanije sa TISAX sertifikatom cena Srbija

By building trust and understanding the key aspects of the certification process, stable and friendly relationships are formed, which serve as a foundation for business advancement.

  • icon Increase in competencies and improvement of production processes
  • icon Ability to access tenders and competitions that require the EN ISO 3834 certificate
  • icon Building trust with government authorities regarding compliance with applicable legal requirements and legislation regulations
  • icon Enhanced export strength in markets that require internationally recognized certification