ISO 31000

ISO 31000

Risk management

ISO 31000 standard cena Sistem menadžmenta rizicima standard Srbija

Since the inception of entrepreneurship, every company and organization operating in the private or public sector has been exposed to risks that can often have detrimental consequences for the organization, its people, equipment, infrastructure, and any segment that constitutes and represents it.

Simply put, every activity of a company or organization carries a certain level of risk, and companies address these risks by attempting to identify, analyze, evaluate, and decide how to manage them in order to bring the risk down to an acceptable level.

The ISO 31000 standard specifically recommends that organizations develop, implement, and continually improve a risk management system aimed at integrating risk management processes throughout the entire organization, including in management processes, strategy and planning, reporting processes, policies, company values, and corporate culture.

ISO 31000 certification is a significant tool for enhancing your business, as well as for considering and adopting methods for managing business processes. Risk identification is crucial when establishing ISO 31000, with particular attention focused on those who will lead the Risk Management System. They must be adequately trained to ensure the system is implemented and certified effectively.

The ISO 31000 standard will help you recognize risks within your organization and manage them consistently and efficiently.


Jačanje poverenja u kompanije sa TISAX sertifikatom cena Srbija

By building trust and understanding the key aspects of the certification process, stable and friendly relationships are formed, which serve as a foundation for business advancement.

  • icon The application of a control management system in risk analysis to minimize losses
  • icon More efficient distribution and mitigation of risks
  • icon Improved incident management and reduced losses and risk costs
  • icon Improvement of corporate business operations