GRASP - Global GAP

GRASP sertifikat Global GAP GRASP standard sertifikacija Srbija

The ideology of the Global GAP concept as a good agricultural practice includes not only product safety and environmental protection but also considers the human factor as a crucial aspect of this standard. Within Global GAP, a specific module has been developed focusing on social elements related to the safety, health, and well-being of workers. This module is voluntary and is based on risk assessment and social practices on farms, specifically addressing how you manage and treat your workers.

GRASP (GlobalGAP Risk Assessment on Social Practice) is an add-on to the Global GAP standard and cannot be implemented or certified independently but only as an extension of the existing Global GAP certification. You can incorporate GRASP into your system at any time if you already hold a Global GAP certificate. It is recommended that the audit for GRASP is conducted on the same day as the Global GAP audit, ideally when the workers are present in the field, performing their regular activities.

The compliance with GRASP requirements is documented in the form of a report, which is published in the Global GAP database and is valid for one year. Instead of a certificate, the report itself serves as proof of compliance. The report is compiled based on 11 specific criteria that are evaluated for each agricultural producer. Our authorized Global GAP auditor conducts interviews with workers to go through these points, assessing working conditions, health and safety standards, and alignment with the legal requirements of the country where the audit takes place.

Since legal and regulatory conditions differ from country to country, GRASP requirements also vary accordingly. Each country has its own labor and employment laws, which stipulate conditions such as age limits, working hours, minimum wage, annual leave, maternity benefits, compensation, etc. GRASP audits ensure that these legal provisions are met by employers.

The main goal of this module is to guarantee that workers perform their tasks in safe and healthy conditions, that the basic provisions of labor laws are respected, and that there is no exploitation of the workforce in any way.

GRASP is widely accepted by many European retail chains, which require their suppliers to have this module in place.

Having GRASP helps producers establish a robust social management system in their operations and protect one of their most valuable resources—their employees.


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By building trust and understanding the key aspects of the certification process, stable and friendly relationships are formed, which serve as a foundation for business advancement.

  • icon Focus on the Safety, Health and Well-being of Workers
  • icon Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Provisions
  • icon Higher Employee Satisfaction
  • icon Improvement of Image