What does ISO mean and what is the ISO standard?
What does ISO mean?
ISO is an acronym for the International Organization for Standardization, which consists of a network of national institutes in 167 countries and is the largest global institution for the development of standards, based in Geneva.
As one of the oldest non-governmental international organizations, it has enabled cooperation and trade between people and companies around the world.
Since ISO is a non-governmental organization and does not have the authority to impose the implementation of standards, it also does not create regulations or laws. However, countries can decide to adopt ISO standards, especially in areas such as health, safety, and environmental impact, as legally mandatory or reference them in regulations. Although ISO standards are voluntary, they have become a market requirement, such as the ISO 9001 series of standards.
ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which is responsible for the standardization of electrical equipment.
ISO and IEC members participate in the development of international standards through technical committees. All international standards are developed in accordance with the rules laid out in the ISO/IEC directives. The main task of the joint technical committee is to draft the standard. The drafts of international standards that are adopted by the joint technical committees are sent to national bodies for voting. After the vote, at least 75% of members must vote positively for the draft to be published as an international standard.
What is an ISO standard?
A standard is a document that defines rules, guidelines, or characteristics for activities or their outcomes (products/services) to achieve an optimal level of organization.
Standards have a significant positive impact on many aspects of our lives. They ensure desired characteristics of products/services, such as quality, positive environmental impact, reliability, safety, efficiency, and interchangeability. When products, systems, machines, and devices work well and safely, it is usually because they meet the requirements of standards. However, we would quickly notice if standards did not exist. Products would be of poor quality, unreliable, dangerous, or incompatible with the equipment we already use.
International standards are strategic tools and provide guidelines to help companies tackle the most demanding challenges of modern business. They aim to ensure that business operations are as efficient as possible, increase productivity, and help companies access new markets.
The process of implementing and certifying ISO standards is carried out independently by external implementation bodies and accredited independent certification bodies. Therefore, a company or organization cannot be certified by the International Organization for ISO.
Benefits of ISO standards:
- Business optimization
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Improved product quality
- Increased sales
- Access to new markets
- Increased productivity
- Competitive advantage
- Reduced negative environmental impact
Spisak ISO standarda:
- ISO 9001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom
- ISO 14001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta životnom sredinom
- ISO 45001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću i zdravljem na radu
- ISO 50001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta energijom
- ISO/IEC 27001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću informacija
- ISO/IEC 27701 standard – Sistem menadžmenta privatnošću informacija
- ISO/IEC 20000-1 standard – Sistem menadžmenta servisima
- ISO 22301 standard – Sistem menadžmenta kontinuitetom poslovanja
- ISO 28000 standard – Sistem menadžmenta obezbeđenjem u lancu snabdevanja
- ISO 31000 standard – Menadžment rizikom
- ISO 39001 standard – Sistem upravljanja bezbednošću drumskog saobraćaja
- HACCP standard – Kvalitet i bezbednost hrane
- ISO 14064 standard – Kvantifikacija i izveštavanje o emisijama gasova staklene bašte
- ISO 14298 standard – Sistem menadžmenta bezbednog štampanja
- ISO FSSC 22000 standard – Sertifikacija sistema bezbednosti hrane
- GMP+ standard – Bezbednost stočne hrane
- FSC CoC standard – Ekološki kriterijumi za gazdovanje šumama
- SCC SCP standard – Sistem menadžmenta sertifikacije bezbednosti i zdravlja radnika i organizacije
- ISO 22716 standard – Zahtevi kvaliteta dobre proizvođačke prakse za kozmetičke proizvode
- ISO 3834 standard – Sistem menadžmenta zavarivanja
- ISO 10002 standard – Zadovoljstvo korisnika – Smernice za postupanje sa prigovorima u organizacijama
- ISO 13485 standard – ZahtevI kvaliteta sistema upravljanja u proizvodnji medicinskih uređaja i sredstava
- CE znak – Sertifikacija proizvoda CE znakom
- COVID-19 SHIELD iso standard – Sistem zaštite od COVID virusa
- Global GAP standard – Standard u oblasti poljoprivrede za bezbednu i održivu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju
- GRASP standard – Društvene prakse i postupanja sa radnicima na poljoprivrednom gazdinstvu
- BRC standard – Globalni standard za bezbednost hrane
- IFS standard – Internacionalni standard za hranu – IFS
- SEDEX SMETA standard – Provera društvene usklađenosti
- ISO 26000 standard – Međunarodno uputstvo o društvenoj odgovornosti
- ISO 37001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta protiv mita
- SA 8000 standard – Međunarodni sistem za ispitivanje i proveru društvene odgovornosti
- OK COMPOST standard – Obeleženi proizvodi su biorazgradivi u industrijskom postrojenju za mešanje
- OK RECYCLE standard – Sistem ponovne upotrebe proizvoda recikliranjem iskorišćenih proizvoda
- OEKO TEX 100 standard – Sistem testiranja i sertifikacije tekstilnih proizvoda
- ORGANIC standard – Organska proizvodnja
- BSCI standard – Inicijativa poslovno društvene saglasnosti ( Kodeks ponašanja )
- EN 15085 standard – Zavarivanje železničkih vozova i komponenti
- ISO/IEC 42001 standard – Sistem upravljanja AI veštačkom inteligencijom
- IATF 16649 standard – Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom u automobilskoj industriji
- EN 1090 standard – Metalne konstrukcije
- ISO 41001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta održavanja objekata i opreme
- ISO 21001 standard – Sistem menadžmenta za obrazovne institucije
- TISAX standard – Sistem bezbednosti informacija u automobilskoj industriji
- PCI DSS standard – Payment card industry data security standard
- ISO 19650 standard – Informaciono modeliranje objekata