Penetration testing je planski sajber napad na računarske sisteme i mreže

Penetration testing

Penetration Testing refers to a planned cyber-attack on computer systems and networks aimed at identifying vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit for purposes like data theft, password breaches, or identity theft, ultimately threatening the organization’s operations. Penetration testers, also known as ethical hackers, perform legal hacking by obtaining permission from companies to attempt breaking into their systems using various techniques.

Methodology of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing methodologies outline how a test is structured and executed. Since tests target different systems—such as web applications, mobile apps, servers, or networks—tools and techniques vary. However, globally recognized methodologies include:

  • OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual)
  • OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  • PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard)

Types of Penetration Testing

  1. Black-box Testing:
    The tester has no prior knowledge of the system, resembling an external attacker’s approach, using only basic details like IP addresses or domain names.
  2. White-box Testing:
    The tester has complete knowledge of the system, including network topology, IP addresses, and source code, enabling more accurate and efficient testing.
  3. Gray-box Testing:
    The tester has partial knowledge, such as network design documents or a network account, allowing targeted assessments of high-risk systems.

Importance of Regular Penetration Testing

Penetration testing should be performed regularly to ensure system security. Additionally, it is essential when new threats emerge, infrastructure is updated, software is installed, offices relocate, or new user policies are implemented.

Benefits of Penetration Testing

  • Effective risk management
  • Business continuity
  • Protection of clients, partners, and third parties
  • Better evaluation of security investments
  • Reputation protection
  • Prevention of financial losses
  • Compliance with ISO 27001 standards
  • Enhanced cyber defense capabilities

In addition to Penetration Testing (PEN TEST), Vulnerability Assessment is another critical process, which will be discussed in a separate post.