Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting our website. Your access to and use of this website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”) is subject to these Terms of Use and applicable legal regulations governing this area. By accessing and using the Website, you accept these Terms of Use without limitation. If you do not accept these Terms of Use without limitation, please leave the Website.

Ownership of Content

The Website, including all texts, logos, graphics, images, audio materials, and other content (hereinafter referred to as “Content”) is copyrighted material or property of Intercert LLC or posted on the Website with the permission of the owner or authorized rights holder. Use of the Content, other than as described in these Terms of Use, without written permission from the Content owner, is strictly prohibited. Intercert LLC will protect its copyrights, intellectual property rights, and other related rights to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution.

Your Use of the Website

The Website’s Content may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes to the Website may be made periodically at any time and without notice. However, Intercert LLC is not obligated to regularly update the information on this Website. Intercert LLC also does not guarantee that the Website will operate without interruption or error, that defects will be promptly corrected, or that the Website is compatible with your hardware or software. The information provided on this Website should not be construed as advice for making any kind of decisions. You should consult an appropriate professional if you need specific advice tailored to your situation.

Disclaimer of Liability

You use the Website at your own risk. Intercert LLC is not responsible for material or immaterial damage, direct or indirect, arising from or related to the use of the Website or its Content.

Software Available on This Website

The intellectual property and other rights to any software available for download from the Website (hereinafter referred to as Software) belong to Intercert LLC. Your use of the Software is subject to the terms of the license agreement accompanying or included with the Software. Intercert LLC accepts no responsibility for the content of the terms of use or other documents included with or accompanying the Software. Do not install or use the Software if you do not agree with such license agreements. Downloading the Software from the Website is done at your own risk.

Modification of Terms of Use

Intercert LLC may modify these Terms of Use at any time by updating this text. You will automatically be bound by the new Terms of Use contained in the amendments, so it is advisable to periodically visit this page to become familiar with the currently applicable Terms of Use.